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he tried to open his eyes and failed. He wasn't sure where he was and the
migraine he felt was the only thing that assured him that he was still in the
land of the living. Flashes and bits of his memory came back to him and he
began to piece together what had happened. A protective charm he always carried
in his pocket, which they had been warned against bringing, had slowed the
effects of the ritual enough for him to escape. But not before he took a knife
in the abdomen. He had stumbled on an interdistrict carriage and only alighted
at the farthest District from Central District. He wasn't sure where he was
now, but he didn't think he could stay much longer.
He forced his eyes open, only to meet
her questioning gaze.
"Rose? "
For all his effort, all that came out
was a mumble which was met by a slight smile from her as he faded away into
He came to a few hours later and was
able to sit up slightly. He studied her from where he was. She was asleep on
the couch across from him. She looked very worn out and he found it strangely
alluring. The table beside him, filled with bloody balls of cotton wool and
other medical instruments told the obvious tale of his rescue.
She stirred after a moment and he
found himself staring in the eyes of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen,
and the person who saved his life.
"How are you feeling?" She
"Alive, thanks to you." He
continued after a moment's pause. "I'm really sorry for the trouble. I had
no specific intention of winding up here. It's just, there was nowhere
"No trouble taken, Mr? "
"Hmm, I guessed as much. You're
from the eastern city. Well, Mr Emeka, I would really like to know how you got
so wounded. This nurse, also doubles as a Council Member and I can't be
harboring a fugitive."
"I really wish I could tell you,
but I can't, I only wish you would trust me"
The slight sigh he got, was the only
confirmation that she was giving him the benefit of the doubt.
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