Disappointment Can Be Refreshing
“See the opportunity in every disappointment and setbacks becomes part of your success story” – Jilams Odigwe
In 2008, Chelsea lost to Manchester United at the finals of the UEFA Champions league. It was their first ever final at the competition and they gave it their all only to have victory snatched from them by a miskick from their captain, John Terry during the penalty shootouts. The state of agony in the air would be loud at that moment, the pain of defeat so heartwrenching and the tears of disappointment so pitiful. However they must have realized that life doesn’t end there because three years later, they were crowned champions of Europe. What about the previous loss? If they were to be reminded, their reaction would be so jovial which is a complete opposite of when they lost it.  This is the story of everyone who has tasted disappointment and still succeeded.
The general concept of disappointment is that it is a negation or deviation from an expected end or optimistic result. However, what if it is a step towards the desired end or result?, a subplot to a success story rather than an obstacle. Let look at it critically, disappointment comes when one fails to achieve a goal or dream, now it doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means he has to try harder or better.  As the saying goes “no smoke without fire”, so also there cannot be a success story without a few bumps on the way.
Everything in life, the good and the challenging is for our development and admonition, hence why should disappointment be any different? Those who dwell on it do themselves a great disservice because they fail to grasp any meaning from their and also fail to understand the dynamics of life: that life continues and disappointment is a propeller for desired results.
Disappointment should been seen as a catalyst. As part of every individual’s success story, it should be exploited for it’s obscure “good” and utilize for it’s motivational purpose. The development and admonition should be noted and learned for future reference. When you change the concept of disappointment from setbacks to sessions of opportunities, you see the world differently and just like they say “Every disappointment would become a blessing”.
Therefore look for the opportunities imbedded in every disappointment and don’t be overwhelmed by its appearance or by emotions every time you are faced with one. That is how you write your success story and laugh at the end.
Disappointment can be refreshing, not dwelling on it is what makes it refreshing

Jilams Odigwe is an enthusiastic writer who borders the line between a realist and optimist. His love for art is fluid, which makes Bon vivant of some sort...

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