Iron Sharpens Iron
is a difference between somebody who wants you and somebody who would do
anything to keep you. Remember that”
There are various
interpretations and meanings to the title above. However, I want to bring it to
the area of relationship between a man and a woman. The thrust of this
discourse is basically the importance of a man or a woman in any relationship
and how with their “sincere” co-operation, they can achieve the impossible. The
keyword “sincere” because some couples do have an unwritten and unspoken
co-operation to bring each other down and tear each other apart.
In our society today,
people don’t understand the meaning of relationship or its importance to
individuals and by extension the society. They feel it’s mostly about “not
having bad days”, “strictly romantic”, etc. While some others feel it’s about
having a high “body count” or other sexual escapades to have a good story
during pals’ night-out. Some even make up such stories. All these further
buttress their ignorance about relationship as a whole.
Being in a relationship
is one of the most beautiful and most challenging decisions in life. Most
times, its beauty comes from its challenges. This is why even though it seems
like it is meant for everyone, only the rational, logical mind can navigate its
unpredictable waters. A relationship blossoming with understanding, mutual
respect, care; is only possible because both parties decided to work
towards it and the reverse is the case for relationship with ego, disrespect,
misunderstanding. A relationship is not meant to be endured, but even as
nothing good comes easy, so also is it for a relationship.
A relationship is meant
for two people to complement each other. As its popularly said that “no one is
perfect”, it is important for both parties to not only know this, but to work
on themselves to see how to accommodate each others’ flaws. It enables one
imperfections look appealing and actually boosts confidence to the person in
question. Thus, while we may thrive for perfection, being “imperfectly perfect”
in a relationship makes it blossom.
A situation on social
media of a man who couldn’t pay his rents on time and if not for his wife’s
foresight, he would have been embarrassed beyond more is a vivid example of complementing
each other in a relationship. Therefore, even as we are diligent and determined
to be successful financially, academically and otherwise, we must also
remembered to channel that energy towards benefitting from it’s prospects and
ensuring that they enjoy and get good memories for it.
Jilams Odigwe is an enthusiastic writer who borders the line between a realist and optimist. His love for art is fluid, which makes Bon vivant of some sort...
Very insight-full