Often times you see girls anticipate the perfect date. They tell their friends about the new guy they just met that has apparently asked them to go out on a special date. They put on fabulous clothes, on fleek make up and of course, style their hair nicely. They even put on a show and act like innocent and very cultured princesses.
This act causes more harm than good as most times, they flop very badly and bring disgrace to themselves. Trust me ladies, there is no better way to enjoy your date than being real. Showing the guy who you really are, your true craziness (but not to the extent of shoving aside the normal moral standards and etiquette for ladies).
Most guys who really develop an interest after the first date do so because of a characteristic or characteristics in you rather than the physical appearance.
     Below are the do's and don'ts for a lady while on a date. Remember they are just guides to help you have and enjoy a prefect date with that handsome.
1.   Don't overdo your outlook. Simplicity is the new classy๐Ÿ˜‰. Actually has always been.
2.   Relax and don't be too conscious about your actions because you make more mistakes when you do.
3.  Don't give an impression of a fake accent because you may flop and look stupid at some point๐Ÿ˜–. Talk enlightened but real at the same time.
4. If it's a dinner, it isn't advisable to try out a meal you haven't had before.
5.  Don't give him too much detail about yourself. Allow him wander.
6. Switch conversations when you get signs that he is uninterested.
7. Don't talk too much. Caution yourself if you find yourself talking too much ๐Ÿค
8. Don't make out with him on your first date, it gives him a wrong notion about you (there have been exceptions to this though).
9. Allow him open the door for you. Even if he doesn't realize, stand right there until he opens. If he really is a gentleman, he would do it.
10. Be yourself ๐Ÿ˜Š
Be sure to take note of these tips on your next date.
Send in your questions and comments please ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‡

Nikori Ese Praise is a third year Mass communication student of the University of Benin. Her pen name is P.E.N, an abbrevation of all her names. She loves good music and reads novels. She is inspired by her environment.
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