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Mini skirt wearing, spaghetti topped sister always swaying
her hips anytime she passes our neighborhood. Bleached skin babe in my back
yard, spirikoko sister, tongue blasting heaven focused brother, club banging
Gucci wearing guy.
This is the nature of my neighborhood, don’t ask me how
their lifestyle is my business if you ask me, na who I go ask? If I don’t see
and talk how will you know you need to mind your own business eh… their
lifestyle has been tagged as their identity even you think so…
See no one is perfect o that’s why we are not robots; even
still, learn to remove ‘the plank in your eyes before you try and remove the
speck in other people’s eye. You see everything you know - everything: Mr
judgmental, Madam adviser you turn yourself to counsellor telling others how to
live their lives. How is yours faring I’m sure on your high pedestal of
righteousness, all is good and dandy eh?
Speak the truth and be free… No one wonder the great teacher
said he who has not sinned should cast the first stone…
Olanrewaju Oluwatosin Racheal pen name 'Tosraheal' is an avid reader and a budding young writer, she loves art and likes to dabble in different creative works. All rights to this content is reserved, No part of this content may be used or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and uses permitted by copy right law. For permission requests, email the media team at: content@niwcolony. Please click on the subscribe button to receive latest blog updates.
Lauging Out loud